Trump Wants to Send Astronauts Back to the Moon. Will That Really Happen-

The easiest part about going to the moon is, well, going to the moon. Once you’ve got your funding in place, your crew trained and your rocket and spacecraft on the launch pad, it’s just a matter of gassing it all up and going. We’ve done it before — nine times in fact; we can surely do it again.

The trick is all that other stuff that has to come first — espe…

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Ukraine’s Conflict Has Rippled All the Way to the Arctic

The effects of the conflict in Ukraine have rippled across the globe, sending more than two million refugees fleeing, and driving up gasoline prices in the U.S., heating bills in Europe, the cost of bread in the Middle East, and even the price of potato chips around the world. But one of the most significant impacts, for the future of global warming at least, is unfolding thousands of miles awa…

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